Questions You Can Ask As A Candidate In A Job Interview

Nerves and preparation are essential for a job interview. It may seem simpler than they tell us at first, but it can be a long and difficult process. Your company will determine the selection process. Based on this, the interview will take place and the candidate will interact with you. Some companies will only have the owner, while others may have an external recruiter who can help them through various areas and phases. It doesn’t matter what situation you are in, being prepared is key.

Questions and more questions. What do we really need?

The most powerful tool to learn about someone is to ask questions. Although information is transmitted when we communicate, it’s not always enough. Although there may be many questions in a job interview, it is not unusual for them to only ask one question. This is because candidates seldom go beyond the salary, hours, and vacations.

As if they were on a first date, the organization and the candidate pretend to like and know each other in order to attract one another. We often see an imbalance when we apply that concept to the moment in the company. The candidate is not very interested in asking questions, but rather answers every question of the coach. When you understand that you must be able to connect with the culture and the organization, regardless of how you like them, the questions you need to answer start to appear.

Questions to ask during a job interview

You will usually have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of an interview. Don’t miss this chance and be prepared.

We ask about our work hours, vacations, and what the salary is. We often ask questions about the job, and the tasks to be performed. There are many factors that could give you valuable information you didn’t know about.

The simple act of asking more reveals a lot about your personality. It shows that you are interested in the job and curious about other candidates. This is the most important part of a job interview: you are in front a person like you. If you ask him, he will be able to tell you all about it.

About the company

You will need to prepare questions about your workplace, the environment, and the culture of the organization. You must know “who you are going to marry.” This is where you show that eight does not equal eighty. Because you value the people you are connected to. It doesn’t matter what you read on their site, or on social media, one thing is certain: Asking in the job interview. Take this example:

  • How does it feel to work for this company?
  • What is the best thing about working here?
  • What would you change about your life?
  • Would you agree that everyone knows the purpose of an organization?
  • What is your company’s culture?
  • What is the leadership style of the company?

Things that are important to your life

You will get a lot of information regarding culture when you ask questions about it, but every person is unique. You may not value professional growth the same way you do if you are interested in knowing what health and well-being benefits you have. You can ask questions like:

Are you able to offer employees EVP (Employee Val Proposition)?

Do you have any reconciliation plans, flexible hours or the possibility to telework?

Are there career plans and personalized training that will allow you to grow in the company?

  • What’s the On Boarding process?
  • Do you own a nursery, gym or other facility ?
  • What are your favorite activities to have fun, relax, and disconnect?

About the job

This case is about focusing on what they want. You need to know their profile, the job they want, and their expectations. This will help you to determine how you can cover them. The following questions can be asked:

Is this a new position? Is there any departure or change?

Who should I report to?

How many people would you work with? What is the number of people in the company and how long have they been there?

What feedback would you give?

How do you manage performance awards or appraisals?

Is there a way to invent and create new ideas?


Although they may be able to tell you that salary questions are delicate, it is still important. You have the right ask. Many organizations will tell you that the data is not shared until the end of their process. Others will tell you they are moving in a band with you. However, that depends on many factors. Others will tell you this in their job offer. Some won’t let you know until you almost tell them that you are the one they want. It is essential that they inform you about this matter. If they don’t, you can ask for guidance or help to determine if you are being wasteful of your time and if the job fits you.

Remember that open questions can be asked and that answers are not limited to a yes or no. The more you are open, the better. This is where you’ll get more information. Other answers are more straightforward. It can be dangerous to ask questions that reveal that you don’t know the answer. Asking questions about the business or the activities of the company can backfire.

It is important to understand that you need to prepare for the interview. Ask questions during the interview to find out everything you are unable to do before.

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